1. Lead smelting process with oxygen bottom-blowing Smelting - Blast Furnace Reduction
For India Dariba 100,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project, the oxygen bottom-blowing smelting + blast furnace reduction process is adopted, ENFI undertakes design with adoption of patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting – blast furnace reduction for lead smelting ". It was put into operation in July 2011. For Jiangxi Jinde 80,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project, the oxygen bottom-blowing + blast furnace process is adopted. It is the first whole-plant EPC lead smelting project undertaken by ENFI. Patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - blast furnace reduction for lead smelting" is used. Project team has tried and improved the management processes. It was put into production in 2011.
For Qinghai Xiyu 100,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project, EPC project, bottom-blowing + blast furnace process is adopted, patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting + blast furnace reduction for lead smelting" is used. Slag ladle handling is changed to chute conveying for feeding into fuming furnace. It is ENFI's first oxygen bottom-blowing lead smelting project in plateau region. It was put into production in May 2010.
2. Oxygen Bottom-Blowing Smelting - Side-Blowing Smelt-Reduction for Lead Smelting
For Henan Jiyuan Gold Rakem Lead Smelting Project, bottom-blowing + side-blowing smelt-reduction process is adopted, EPC project 80,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project and 180,000 t/a Lead Bullion Smelting Project for Jiyuan Gold Rakem. "Oxygen bottom-blowing smelting – blast furnace reduction for lead smelting " is adopted for 80,000 t/a lead smelting project, which was put into production in October 2007. Patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - side-blowing smelt reduction for lead smelting " is used for 180,000 t/a lead bullion smelting project, the largest single-series project with oxygen bottom-blowing smelting technology, which has been put into production. It was put into production in February 2011.
For Hunan Huaxin 100,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project (EPC project), the bottom-blowing + side-blowing process is adopted, and patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - side-blowing smelt reduction for lead smelting" is used. It was put into production in April 2013.?
3. Oxygen Bottom-Blowing Smelting - Electrothermal Bottom-Blowing Smelt-Reduction for Lead Smelting
For Anyang Minshan 100,000 t/a Lead Smelting Modification Project (EPC project), the bottom-blowing smelting+ bottom-blowing reduction process is adopted, and patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting + electrothermal bottom-blowing smelt reduction for lead smelting" is used. It is the first industrial application of oxygen bottom-blowing lead smelting technology. ENFI undertook important technical research and development task. The oxygen bottom-blowing smelting system was put into production in December 2010, while the bottom-blowing electrothermal reduction system was put into production in March 2012, which marks the success of lead smelting technology research and development, thus consolidating ENFI's leading position in China's lead smelting market.
For Shandong Humon 100,000 t/a Lead Smelting Project (EPC project), bottom-blowing smelting + bottom-blowing reduction process is adopted, and patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - electrothermal bottom-blowing smelt reduction for lead smelting" is used. The technology of pulverized coal bottom-blowing is used for the project and electrothermal bottom-blowing furnace is used for reducing high lead slag. Electrolytic lead output is 100000 t/a. The project was put into production in February 2013.
For Yunnan Mengzi Metallurgy 60,000 t/a Lead Smelting Technology Improvement and Extension Project, EPC project, bottom-blowing + bottom-blowing process is adopted, and patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - bottom-blowing smelt reduction smelting of lead" is used. "Three connected furnaces" are adopted. It was put into production in March 2014.
For Inner Mongolia Chifeng (SD-Gold) 100,000 t/a Electrolytic Lead Project (EPC project), bottom-blowing smelting + bottom-blowing reduction process is adopted, and patent technology "oxygen bottom-blowing smelting - bottom-blowing smelt-reduction for lead smelting" is used. It was put into production in September 2014.
4. Secondary Lead Handling Technology
For Hubei Jinyang Waste Acid Battery Low Temperature Continuous Smelting Project, waste lead-acid battery handling capacity is 100,000 t/a. ENFI undertook the design task. The continuous smelting reduction process developed jointly by ENFI and Jinyang is used for handling lead paste. The handling of waste lead-acid battery reaches international advanced level. The project was put into production in October 2012.