Built in 1980s, it is the first submarine mining mine in China. All deposits occur under the sea level of Laizhou Bay, the Bohai Sea. It has become the largest complex for the mining and beneficiation of underground gold mines in China, and the production capacity reaches 10,500 t/a. Graded tailings consolidated filling, cap pillar, interchamber pillar and roof-contact filling are adopted in the design.
High pressure roller mill is used for crushing ores for beneficiation, and combined flotation column and flotation machine process is used. Dry tailings stockpiling technique is used and abandoned open pit is used as the tailings pond.
Sanshandao Gold Mine is in the Sanshandao Economic and Technical Development Zone in Laizhou and gold coast tourist area in Laizou. Multiple environmental protection measures are taken in the design, so that Sanshandao Gold Mine becomes a beautiful garden mine.